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Time for another New Adventure - 2010
Each new road is an experience with discovery

This is Doug Mecham's WEB site supporting his activities with his wife Christina Purdy, adventures, and new Life unfold. Note our respective BLOG url references at the bottom of this introduction.

A New Life:

And so it came to pass that Christina and Doug were married on Sunday, 25th July 2010

Doug and Christina are enjoying a new life with the adventure of new places and new people in Honduras:

* So we move along in our new world getting used to taking the “Urbano” bus to town and wandring the many shops to find the particular “items” we are looking for. I will say that the local hardware stores (ferreteria) seem to have just about any hardware item needed. Mind you, the pipe is all plastic PVC and many drain stoppers are made of pot-metal but they work. Our house is constructed of concrete brick with plaster so all attachments are made with cement screws.

* .

* And so goes our new life.

* .

* Doug


See TRAVELS above to view travel logs & adventure stories for Doug along with his Personal & Professional information plus a CONTACTS page.


Christina’s Blog:  http// 

Doug’s Blog:  http//

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