In The World - Active & Traveling
Leaving Alsea Bay Home 2006
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Home is where adventures begin driven by the desire to meet 1000 people in 1000 places.  The path is never straight forward but takes many routes. The best paths are those that are not often taken and need the wear. 

My Waldport Home in Oregon


My home is a comfortable place perched on the hillside above the Pacific Ocean.  I can see and sear the surf whch is a special sound used for sleeping as well as just sitting, watching, and contemplating.  The local town is Waldport, home to 2050 people on the Alsea Bay - once home to a logging and fishing industry.  The local hills are covered with wonderful pine trees and up the Alsea River is a most beautiful valley where if the world came to an end the folks there would not know it and, furthermore, would not care.

My 2006 Around The World objective is to see those countries I have not seen before and take in some special travel adventures, such as the Gobi, Aegean, and sail across the Atlantic on a large schooner. Why not. I cannot  take my money with me when I die, plus my knees and eyes still work, so off I go.  If I am broke in some years I will not care since as I stand in the soup kitchen line I will have a very large smile on my face.
Now I am to start my new World adventure heading to Japan next week.

 Background & Preparation:


Ever since my Father talked to me about my Grandfather’s square rigger sailing adventure in the Navy to Egypt and around Cape Horn and his own interests in foreign countries I have kept my dreams of travel alive. I really started in 1961 with a summer trip to Europe for an international work camp in England. Naturally, after working three years following university graduation I decided since I had money in my pocket, I was unattached, and my wanderlust kicked in – I took 15 months to go around the World. As fate would have it, I met my wife Merrilyn in a youth hostel in Greece, but it was five years later and many letters between us that I went around the World again to pick her up in Perth, Australia, and brought her home to California. We were married in 1976 and lived a full family life for 25 years caring for our two children, Ross and Anna. Unfortunately, Merrilyn succumbed to cancer in 2001. Alas, I am on my third life, now retired. Hence, I certainly need to see some new World lands.


Mongolia was one area I missed last year on my China-Tibet trip so this destination became my focus.  Then, why not just see Russia via the Trans Siberian Railway en route. Getting there I could stop in Japan to visit my friend Noboru whom I had met in a Japanese youth hostel on my first world trip. Of course, since I end up in Europe I might as well see Eastern Europe too. Bingo, another idea – why not charter a sailboat in the Aegean with my good friend and fellow adventurer, Bob Westbrook and his wife Paula; and, so it is now planned to do so. How to get home was the next so I wanted to visit some villages in Italy, France, and Spain I had missed before since I now had the time. The finale to this world trip emerged to be a Trans-Atlantic crossing to the Caribbean on a 300 foot luxury, four masted, schooner; what a way to go.


Preparation has been relatively simple – get the appropriate tickets and tours and pack a few items in a backpack plus a small carry on pack. Of course, this time, my photos will be all digital plus a small computer to manage the photos, my WEB page with the travel log, and email. It is amazing that these days one can find high speed computer kiosks just about everywhere – so I can just plug in.  A long time ago I decided that a good back pack with only a couple changes of clothes, one good shirt and slacks, hat, good boots, toiletries, and a couple of layers of jackets is sufficient to travel for one week or one year.  I usually stuff in some small American gifts for friends I meet too. The KISS principal is the easiest and best. If I have to hike a mile or two I want to make it easy to do so.


It is now Saturday, 5 days before I leave, and I have only to pack thinks up. I had a farewell breakfast for my neighbors this morning so they will keep an eye on my house. Of course, there are a few butterflies in the pit of my stomach, but I have done this kind of travel many times before – but, each time is different with different excitement.


Onward. Enjoy my WEB Travel Log of Doug’s – yet another trip Around The World to experience the many people and cultures of this World, to release the past, to relax & enjoy, and to rejuvenate (again) my soul so that I become awake.

20060706 – Leaving The USA


This was one of the easiest travel preparations I have done – I crossed all the I’s and dotted all the T’s over the past month.  I relaxed and only focused on my travel planning.  My travel agent was not so swift but did get me my travel vouchers 4 days before I was to leave – one just has to keep the faith.


Yep, this morning I did not need an alarm to get up. My friend Paul drove me to my first train, AMTRAK, where I experienced the usual train delay of only 45 minutes. Of course, the train had only traveled 50 miles – the conductor came on the intercom and announced that Union Pacific had caused a signal block and the train would be delayed further.  Maybe when I get to a foreign land they know how to run trains. Ah, well. In Portland I walked the 8 blocks to the TRI-MET light rail to the airport and caught the hotel shuttle.


My house is in good hands and I had good feedback on my new WEB site. While there are few flutters in my gut I feel quite calm like I have taken this path before.  I think when I get to Russia and Mongolia the newness will really kick in.  I received a photo of my Japanese friend and family with whom I will stay for more than a week – a great way to start the “vacation” from retirement.  Now let’s see if I can update my site while en-route.

I am ready to board AMTRAK

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Vancouver, B.C. Airport

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